Author Topic: New Laws aimed at Holiday Rentals  (Read 1843 times)

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Offline BeachLife

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New Laws aimed at Holiday Rentals
« on: March 02, 2019, 18:28. »
Your community are now able to apply cost sanctions if they so wish ......

The new laws have been quickly rushed through:

Holiday lettings: Spain’s Horizontal Act is amended allowing Community of Owners to vote by a simple majority of 3/5 to ban outright holiday rentals within a community. I had already pointed out in a blog post in 2017 that this step was necessary, as the Horizontal Property Act at the time required unanimity to ban them, which logically was never going to happen because landlords would vote against it because of their vested interest. This measure has no retroactive effects.

Holiday lettings: Spain’s Horizontal Act is amended allowing Community of Owners to increase the communal quota assigned to a landlord (capped at 20%) of the overall community budget. In plain English, communities of owners may now vote to increase the community quota of a property owner who uses his property/ies as holiday lettings. This agreement will have no retroactive effects.

For the full article - follow the link:

If everything is harmonious on your community regarding holiday lets then I dont suppose there will be a problem. But it looks like the new law is on the side of the majority on a community if there are unruly holiday makers in your house !!

Offline mike and judith

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New Laws aimed at Holiday Rentals
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2019, 18:54. »
This sounds. Really good to me, Rich.  Problems with proof in some instances, & it won't sit well with. The people it targets.

Offline Spurs

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New Laws aimed at Holiday Rentals
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2019, 21:05. »
So what constitutes a holiday rental do you have to receive money for it I have mates and family who use mine occasionally only about 5 weeks of year in total but it’s not rented out

Offline loser

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New Laws aimed at Holiday Rentals
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2019, 10:09. »
Still just a proposal. Needs to be approved by the Congress.

Offline John H

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New Laws aimed at Holiday Rentals
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2019, 12:54. »
I would have thought a ban on people keeping dogs would gain an equal if not greater support on a community.
We never had any issues with people renting, on saying that we never visited in “peak” season.
Barking dogs were however a year round issue.

Regards all


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Offline kevinb

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New Laws aimed at Holiday Rentals
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2019, 19:23. »
Re dogs that's a good idea John, barking dogs are a menace.

Offline Luton town

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New Laws aimed at Holiday Rentals
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2019, 21:58. »
Hi everyone ..this will be pretty easy to inforce IF the property is registered for rental ... every property must be registered and quote their registration number in all adverts and within the property ...the Taxation authorities will obviously have the address.....IF they're not registered then before long an extra charge by the community will be the least of their problems.... however the extra tax by the community will like the community charge be tax deductible so not too much of a problem for those who rent....but more of a problem for those who rent and do NOT pay tax.


Offline Tony Gillam

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New Laws aimed at Holiday Rentals
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2019, 07:47. »
Renting never generates any significant income for individuals after you take into account overheads. It might cover the properties running costs but not much more. An additional hurdle such as the one proposed may have the effect of people thinking it is no longer worth it with a consequent drop in footfall and income for the local businesses. Add in the 'brexit effect' and GA could see tumbleweed rolling down the roads.

Offline Aficionado

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New Laws aimed at Holiday Rentals
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2019, 11:57. »
So what constitutes a holiday rental do you have to receive money for it I have mates and family who use mine occasionally only about 5 weeks of year in total but it’s not rented out

If the link works, this document may help, but note that 1) it is a translation by a holiday rental company and as such would have no legal standing IMHO and 2) I think you would need to get the term "commercially" defined for Spanish rental and tax law purposes. I know what it means from a UK perspective but would not assume the same to be true in Spain.

Mike and Jane Hopper

Offline wilson

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New Laws aimed at Holiday Rentals
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2019, 15:18. »
Getting along with neighbours can always be a challenge as we all have differing opinions on what is acceptable, the properties that are rented on our community undoubtedly generate more issues than others. On puerto marino i would guess at about 60% permanent residents with 25% visiting owners and 15% rentals. The longer term renters dont generally cause many issues unlike the week holiday renters who can cause mayhem. Every year numerous locks are broke especially the electric pool gates with bits jammed into the mechanism, litter abounds the pool area and streets. Noise into the early hours the list is endless. The irony being the one landlord who has 4 rentals is always years behind in paying fees owing the community thousands. If this law stops the  aggravation then tumbleweed wil be welcome.

Offline llamedos

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New Laws aimed at Holiday Rentals
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2019, 18:42. »
This kind of legislation could be very harmful to GA, if it was implemented and all
Properties on urbs were banned from renting.
The bars and shops need the money coming in from these properties to survive.
Giving this kind of power to urbs could turn the place into a ghost town.

Offline sunseekers

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New Laws aimed at Holiday Rental
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2019, 18:37. »
John I agree that barking dogs can be a nuisance but some of us actually own well behaved and well trained dogs who are never left outside on their own so please don’t tar all dog owners with the same brush.

Offline John H

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New Laws aimed at Holiday Rentals
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2019, 19:20. »
As in all things Hazel a small minority with no respect for others can ruin it for the respectful majority, it’s the way of the world.

Regards all


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