Author Topic: Pickpocket in Gran Alicant  (Read 655 times)

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Offline Saliorgerry

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Pickpocket in Gran Alicant
« on: February 25, 2019, 12:21. »
Beware a 20 something heavy set Romanian girl was seen across from Hemingway’s on Av. escandinavia she acosts single men offering sex then grabs onto them and tries steal wallets watches or phones.

Offline wilson

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Pickpocket in Gran Alicant
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2019, 07:51. »
Been mentioned several times over the years but worth putting out again.
On saturday whilst loading car i left gate open and front door ajar whilst inside house before going back out, i opened front door and was surprised to find a man stood right in from of me. What the f*** are you doing i asked, quick as you like he produced a clip board stating he was collecting for disabled children in Alicante and all my neighbours had given money blah blah, he was duly ejected from property with a flea in his ear. He was spanish mid 50s about 5/6 tall well dressed, not the ive been locked out conman.
What is concerning is the kids had been outside earlier and so had the wife sat having a coffee with her iphone which frequently gets left on table. These people are brazen so be aware.