Author Topic: Selling a property in spain  (Read 2219 times)

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Offline Derek

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Selling a property in spain
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2021, 08:50. »
Hi John

I hope you are back to full strength and feeling OK again.  I don't understand your last sentence having read it a couple of times. It might be me being a bit thick.


Offline John H

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Selling a property in spain
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2021, 10:02. »
Thanks Derek, yes I'm feeling a lot better thank you, having a walk at a good pace on the beach or cliff tops every day, back to doing three Fitsteps classes a week, quite a few lifestyle changes as well, I'm doing all I can to avoid a repeat performance!!
The last sentence, Steve asked a question, he's had some good detailed answers but has not commented.

Regards all

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."

Offline Gemstone

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Selling a property in spain
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2021, 11:12. »
I just sold one of our houses here in G.A.  Went Chris and Laura at Gran Alacant Properties at 3%, they are a professional charming couple, it was put on the internet at a price which I thought a bit over the top, but it sold in 3 days !!

 Suppose I will have to pay a huge plu-valia tax, but hey ho I'm still laughing all the way to the bank ! Happy days.

Offline masmu

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Selling a property in spain
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2021, 17:34. »
Agree with you John H. I have now filed all my casa sale paperwork away again.

Offline steve watson

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Selling a property in spain
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2021, 07:23. »
John I’m just taking it all in, don’t won’t to comment on anything just wanted some info for the future. In case things don’t change.
Thanks for all the replies

Offline Derek

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Selling a property in spain
« Reply #20 on: September 02, 2021, 19:00. »

Well I decided to sell up and will be driving out to GA on the 19th of this month. My Spanish car with just 1,200 Kilometers on it will also have to be sold. I brought it new and have never really used it. Hopefully Frank at FCR cars will sell it for me unless any forum members has another suggestion. It is a dark blue Fiat Tipo Mirror model. The target Estate Agents fees are 3% is that correct?

I have been holidaying since 2002 in GA having received the keys in 2004. A big step but time waits for nobody and I think to sell it whilst I can is sadly the best option.


Offline Spurs

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Selling a property in spain
« Reply #21 on: September 02, 2021, 19:40. »
Good luck Derek I hope it works out for you. I’ve decided after a lot of mulling it over that I’m not selling or giving up on Spain yet. I must admit I was close after we couldn’t go for a year but having been out a couple of times recently I remembered why I love it so much
However another ban on flying there will probably lead to me pressing the button, my thinking is if I can use it great if not then I’m probably going to sell

Offline Tony Gillam

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Selling a property in spain
« Reply #22 on: September 03, 2021, 07:41. »
There is a time and a season for these things. We bought in 2002 and took possession in January the following year. Being well into my seventies we sold four years ago and, given the circumstances of the past two years, it was the right decision. That's not to say that I don't miss GA though.

Offline John H

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Selling a property in spain
« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2021, 10:18. »
I hope it all goes well for you Derek.
As with Tony our timing worked out pretty well, we hit a sweet spot on the exchange rate, the last 18 months wouldn't have seen us make a visit and following my heart attack three months ago we won't be traveling overseas for another 6 months.
It's been brilliant visiting lots of other places since we sold, interestingly from our view point the Mediterranean coast of Spain still tops the list with Estaponna being the highlight, we just loved it.
Do we miss GA itself, in a word no....what we do miss are the brilliant times we had with our friends there.

Regards all

« Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 10:20. by John H »
"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."

Offline Derek

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Selling a property in spain
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2021, 13:38. »
Thanks a lot.

I am driving over on the 19th and will see the estate agent that week and clear the house of bits that are worth bringing home to the UK. Car is sold so I have to deliver that (the Spanish one). I have purchased a roof box type of thing so I have more space to bring anything back that I want to keep. I have two very good bikes over there one being a Ebike so I will bring them back and sell them on UK Ebay or Facebook. At least I have a plan of action.

« Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 13:44. by Derek »

Offline Spurs

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« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2021, 20:11. »
Best of luck Derek hope it all works out for you . Are you driving through France or ferry to Santander or Bilbao ?

Offline Derek

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« Reply #26 on: September 07, 2021, 10:06. »
Hi Spurs

I am going from Plymouth to Santander with Brittany Ferries. I had a voucher from when a motorbike trip was cancelled so the fare was not that bad. I am wondering if I will get two mountain bikes inside the car or whether I will need a bike carrier.

My car is a Jeep Renegade 4XE which is a clever bit of kit and runs here in the UK most the time on electric power. Obviously on a long trip it will run on petrol. The car reads traffic signs, Steers you, Has emergency braking and lets you know if it thinks your tried. Haven't worked out yet how to get it to make a coffee.


Offline Spurs

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« Reply #27 on: September 07, 2021, 12:07. »
Done that trip a couple of times myself Derek love the drive down to Burgos fantastic views and a great sweeping road . I reckon if you take off the wheels you will get the bikes in