Author Topic: PERSON RELATIONSHIP AGREEMENT  (Read 676 times)

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Offline SueB

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« on: November 25, 2021, 17:21. »
We have just received an email from Sabadell Bank asking us to sign and return by post a Person Relationship Agreement.  Full of legal jargon but mentions tax, personal data and communications from the bank. Has anyone else received one of these forms and does anyone know if it is obligarory to sign this form?  It looks genuine and hopefully it is as I sent over a copy of my husbands new passport to the same email address which they requested as his had expired last year so had no doubt to question this. The bank address on the form is the same street as on the Sabadell website but a different building number.

Thank you.


Offline kevinb

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« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2021, 19:33. »
I did a Google search for person relationship agreement and the only result returned is your posting here, check the email address that it came from , this is normally a clue if it's a phishing scam

Offline kevinb

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« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2021, 19:42. »
I think the banks email format is, if the spelling is different to the right of the @ it's not from Sabadell . Might be an idea to phone the bank

Offline SueB

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« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2021, 15:36. »
Thank you Kevin for replying. I also checked on Google and nothing came up. I must admit the bank email address did look correct, like you said but phising scam is very sophisticated these days and doubts started to creep in when on the Person Relationship Agreement form completed by the bank they had put my husband's address etc but the entry under Profession they had put in Spanish that he was a University Professor, perhaps refering to the University of Life!!

I contacted the bank via live chat and they suggested going into the account and seeing if there were any documents listed waiting to be signed. Tried that but could not, for the first ever, get into his account. Completed on line form for new password, received instructions what to do but when entering his NIE number which he has always used to log on, another bank card was attached to this number which did not correspond to his current bank card. Tried live chat again but in the middle of the conversation we got cut off. Phoned them but recording said all lines busy and cut us off. Tried an emergency number and spoke to a very nice lady.  She could not find his account under the NIE number, but found it under his new passport number!! Result, email genuine but could not go any further because we had called on a telephone number not listed on the account so asked us to ring back on the mobile number, but this would not guarantee speaking to her. Could not get through straight away but then a very abrupt man answered so had to relay everything again. Anyway a new password was eventually issued. Mentioned each time about the agreement form but no-one gave me an answer. The agreement is showing in his account but it states that it has been signed!  I will still pursue as to why my husband has to sign the form because although written in English there is very little that we can understand but still the panic with the email regarding the passport is over.

Thank you once again.


Offline martin

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« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2021, 22:24. »
Had a similar mail. I recent updated part details with them. I had to sign in to the online banking to digitally sign the updated document. Looks all genuine to me.

Offline kevinb

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« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2021, 04:37. »
SueB, Glad it's legit, I'm always suspicious of emails like you had, good luck.

Offline wilson

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« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2021, 14:09. »
Sue I share your pain with Sabadell customers service, it really is a lucky dip on the person you get having the inclination to help. Getting transferred and then cut off is frequent, live chat with the bot is like them all just a distraction, the FAQs never include your question, after many years of access I got locked out of online, contacted from the uk and couldn’t get through security because the account id was my passport from 1997, despite having two since and both being added. As an organisation they are quite shocking, if you look on trust pilot you will find most stories similar to your own.