
Brexit Poll - Stay In or Exit the EU

Stay in the EU.
19 (65.5%)
Exit the EU.
10 (34.5%)

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Author Topic: Brexit....time to take action?  (Read 18682 times)

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Offline John H

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Brexit....time to take action?
« on: February 18, 2016, 08:58. »
Just a thought, if we are heading for a Brexit will we see a rush of folk taking up residency whilst they can?
I know quite a few folk who are in GA 24/7 who have never taken up residency

Regards all


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Offline Calsh

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Brexit....time to take action?
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2016, 09:52. »
From what I understand (albeit from the press/media), there will be a two year phasing in period although I agree John that residency for many that spend more time in GA than in the UK would make sense as they could lose a number of benefits that come with being a member of the EU.  I understand that free movement will still remain on either decision.


Offline BeachLife

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Brexit....time to take action?
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2016, 13:47. »
although I agree John that residency for many that spend more time in GA than in the UK would make sense

Isnt it true that if you spend more time n GA than the UK you HAVE to be a resident ?

Offline Calsh

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Brexit....time to take action?
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2016, 15:02. »
although I agree John that residency for many that spend more time in GA than in the UK would make sense

Isnt it true that if you spend more time n GA than the UK you HAVE to be a resident ?

Yes we all know 'the rules' and we know that you should change your car over to Spanish plates, ITV etc after six months of it being out of the UK but how many do?  Me being a bit cynical person thinks that a number of people are living abroad and are still claiming UK benefits such as sickness (many have been caught out) will not go 'legal' and will still continue to return to the UK for their hospital/doctor appointments.



Offline John H

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Brexit....time to take action?
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2016, 16:33. »
Spot on Cal, far too many want the best of both worlds and cheat the systems to do it

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Offline Alicante Holiday Villas

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Brexit....time to take action?
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2016, 19:09. »
Isnt it true that if you spend more time n GA than the UK you HAVE to be a resident ?

You must become resident if you spend more than 183 days per calendar year here.  8)

Offline Corporal Jones

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Brexit....time to take action?
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2016, 19:09. »
If the uk leaves the eu,then the thousands of long term tourists who receive uk welfare payments/benefits who live in spain ,France etc will have to decide to sign off or go back to the uk, eventually the dwp will come looking within europe as they have done in other parts of the world
They dont like it up em !

Offline sunseekers

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Brexit....time to take action?
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2016, 19:44. »
From what I understand (albeit from the press/media), there will be a two year phasing in period although I agree John that residency for many that spend more time in GA than in the UK would make sense as they could lose a number of benefits that come with being a member of the EU.  I understand that free movement will still remain on either decision.


The real truth is that nobody knows what will happen if the UK leave the EU. A lot of the out campaign will try and tell you what will happen they don't really know they are just using the immigrant bandwagon to get their own way.There have been no rules or regulations written up to say what will happen,none of the other countries have said what changes they would make if the UK comes out,so how can anybody decide which will be in there interest. My own thoughts are big business will dictate what actually happens and the slightest hint of uncertainty and there will major problems.


Offline sunseekers

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Brexit....time to take action?
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2016, 20:36. »
In reply to calsh, its so silly that there may be some people claiming 'sickness' benefit as you think and not going legal, it is possible to be living there legally in those circumstances and the health system in spain is excellent so i hear.  We have a lady living near us who is the reverse of the situation, (in england by theway) who is french resident and car for the past few years but here, dont really understand it.


Offline Calsh

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Brexit....time to take action?
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2016, 20:46. »
In reply to calsh, its so silly that there may be some people claiming 'sickness' benefit as you think and not going legal, it is possible to be living there legally in those circumstances and the health system in spain is excellent so i hear.  We have a lady living near us who is the reverse of the situation, (in england by theway) who is french resident and car for the past few years but here, dont really understand it.

Hi Hazel, we know of two people personally who spend most of the year in GA and return to the UK (sometimes just overnight) for 'a hospital appointment', these people are of working age but do not work in GA. A few years ago we got talking to a lady from Ireland who was living in GA and after a few drinks we asked how she could afford to live without working and she said 'the Irish Government are good to me'. In terms of healthcare in Spain, nobody is critising it and we had to attend Elche hospital a few ago and had a good patient experience.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 20:49. by Calsh »

Offline sunseekers

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Brexit....time to take action?
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2016, 00:14. »
I know it does happen, as it has with the lady i referred to, i just dont really understand if you want to stay in spain you dont just do it, when it is legally allowed.

Re the brexit, i for one hope it doesnt happen as i believe we are stronger together and that if we came out it would send our economy into panic and freefall, as well as the european economy too. Heres hoping, from my point of view at least, that we all stay european.


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Brexit....time to take action?
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2016, 00:22. »
Spot on Cal, far too many want the best of both worlds and cheat the systems to do it

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Are you sincerely suggesting that the UK NHS is better than the Spanish Health Services? Having experienced them both ... I beg to differ ...

Offline Tony Gillam

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Brexit....time to take action?
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2016, 08:12. »
The OUT campaign is being fought on a false premise, IMO. Whilst we undoubtedly have a significant number of EU workers, primarily from the Eastern States, a very large number of immigrants are from outside the EU and therefore Brexit will have no effect whatsoever.

Whilst there is much about the EU that needs sorting out, it is my opinion that DC is approaching this problem from the wrong direction. The real issue is our profligate benefits system. We are paying working tax credits to EU workers whilst at the same time we pay benefits to indigenous UK individuals who claim "there ain't no jobs, mate". That is quite apart from a crazy child benefit system that rewards 'baby making machines' and funding large families elsewhere in the EU by subsidising other EU country's economies through the child benefit system.

Whilst we need to replace our ageing population, overall there is not a need to increase it generally. If DC is serious about controlling immigration, he needs a root and branch revision of the UK benefits system, not a bit of minor tweaking of EU rules. That will merely create an increasingly complex system to rival that of the equally 'not fit for purpose' UK tax system that is so complex, it is larger than the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Offline kevinb

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Brexit....time to take action?
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2016, 08:38. »
Starting to look like we may well exit, Cameron is never going to get better terms for the UK, I realise that for people like us it is likely to have implications owning a house in Spain but I am sick of the EU and having an unelected organization forcing policy on us so I will be voting for out for my kids and grandchildren's future.

Offline Calsh

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Brexit....time to take action?
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2016, 09:52. »
Spot on Cal, far too many want the best of both worlds and cheat the systems to do it

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Are you sincerely suggesting that the UK NHS is better than the Spanish Health Services? Having experienced them both ... I beg to differ ...

I don't think there was any suggestions that one healthcare system is better than the other (both extremely different, for example, the majority of UK monies in the NHS goes into community services, to fund services such as district nurses, community specialist teams, community physiotherapy etc etc, whereas, in Spain there is little, if any, community health services).  The best of both world's was relating to wanting the Spanish lifestyle and wanting the UK 'benefits' to fund this and in order to keep the 'benefit cash' flowing then individuals have to remain in ill health in the country giving the money (hence the flying back for hospital appointments)!